In the Tamil Nadu Region of India
On the 21 February High Levels WI held a fund raising Indian Evening for the above project. Members were invited to dress accordingly for the evening and all members present wore outfits which represented the women of India in one way or another, many colourful and elegant.
The Supper for the evening started with poppadoms with fruity and spicy dips, followed by a variety of curries from the Curry Leaf Restaurant in Epworth, ranging from mild to quite hot, accompanied by rice. High Levels President, Jayne Dance had been to discuss the evening with the proprietor of the Curry Leaf, who had been extremely helpful and supportive of the philosophy behind the event. The meal finished with the most beautifully arranged bowls of mixed fruits with three different types of yogurt.
President Jayne gave a short talk about the project’s function and Lucy Barker gave a short talk about India.
Members were invited to give a donation to the project and by the end of the evening £300 had been raised. The donation was topped up to £540, by the most generous donations from the proprietor of the Curry Leaf Restaurant, a customer who had been in the restaurant at the same time as Jayne had been explaining the purpose of the evening to the owner and a friend of a High Levels member from Crowle.
A most enjoyable evening for everyone and a joyful thought that another group of women in the very poor parts of India will be able to improve their lives and the lives of their families by the gift of a cow.